On Dec. 14, 2020, Council approved a scope and process for the Hazel-Coy neighbourhood planning project. This planning process will build on the Northwest Burke Vision (NBV) (adopted in 2017) to create a comprehensive plan for the Hazel-Coy neighbourhood that includes a vision, guiding principles, land use and transportation network concepts, a servicing assessment and amenities strategy, as well as land use, environmental, transportation, utilities, wildfire mitigation, parks, recreation and open space policies.

The first two phases of this planning process have been completed and a summary of the consultation feedback from these two phases, including major emerging themes and intended next steps, was presented at the November 1, 2021 Council-in-Committee meeting:

  • Access Council Report here
  • View infographic summarizing what we heard here
  • Read a more detailed engagement summary here

How to Get Involved

  • Contact City staff with questions, feedback, or if you require special assistance to participate at hazelcoy@coquitlam.ca or 604-927-3430.

About the Neighbourhood

  • First of 4 neighbourhoods identified in the Northwest Burke Vision to advance based on a set of criteria in the NBV that reflects the City’s growth priorities.
  • About 70 hectares (175 acres) in size, of which about 40 hectares (100 acres) is suitable for development.
  • Bounded by Hyde Creek to the south and east, the sloped Coquitlam River escarpment to the west, and Pinecone Burke Provincial Park to the north.
  • Over 20 existing residential dwellings.
  • NBV concept calls for a mix of single detached houses and townhouses, a small community hub, a school and connections to natural areas, trails, playgrounds and parks.

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The Hazel-Coy Neighbourhood Plan - Phase 2 Survey has now concluded