The City of Coquitlam’s Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan has identified a need for a comprehensive, multi-use recreation centre to support the growing neighbourhood of Burke Mountain - as well as residents across the community. The future Northeast Community Centre is expected to be fully constructed by 2028, and the design will be informed by the feedback collected from engagement in earlier phases with the community and interested and affected parties, to ensure the needs, interests, values, and aspirations of the community are reflected.
Project Updates
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback in our Phase 1 engagement from late 2019 to mid 2020 (What We Heard) and our Phase 2 engagement in late 2021 (What We Heard).
Following public feedback and further staff assessments, the project entered the design phase in August 2023. This phase began with the establishment of a qualified project management team and an architectural and consulting design services team to guide the next steps.
As we enter 2025, our focus will be on finalizing schematic design, completing detailed design, obtaining permits, and preparing the site for construction. This will allow us to begin construction in 2026, with project completion targeted for 2028.
The planned community centre will include:
- An aquatics centre with six-lane lap pool, leisure pool, whirlpool, sauna and steam room;
- Two gymnasiums;
- Fitness centre with weight room and studio;
- Community space including multi-purpose rooms, community kitchen, a ‘makerspace’ (i.e. collaborative working, learning and exploring space) and large atrium;
- Covered outdoor covered space for recreation and cultural programs;
- About 340 parking stalls;
- Public art; and
- A new branch of the Coquitlam Public Library. A Library Services and Spaces Study will include a recommendation for the size of the library branch to be included.
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- Contact City staff with questions at or 604-927-6300.
Have questions about the future Northeast Community Centre? Leave them here and our team will respond.