Climate Action Plan

Communities are on the front lines of taking action on, preparing for, and responding to the impacts of climate change.

To address this challenge, the City of Coquitlam is working towards new targets, outlined in the 2022 Environmental Sustainability Plan, to reduce carbon pollution (greenhouse gas emissions) across the community and city operations. This includes:

To help us achieve these targets, the City is developing a Climate Action Plan that will provide a roadmap to advance strategic and equitable climate action across the community. This plan will support the actions needed to reduce Coquitlam’s carbon pollution, increase energy efficiency and realize community resiliency and sustainability co-benefits such as health, equity, biodiversity, and economic gains. While this plan lays out a pathway towards 2050, it will mostly focus on the next 10 years and will be updated as new technology and information emerges.

How to Get Involved
To contact City staff with questions or feedback, email or by phone at 604-927-3500.

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