
Learn more about the Five Themes for Coquitlam’s ESP

31 October 2019

Wondering about the five theme areas of the Environmental Sustainability Plan and what they mean? Here are some descriptions and examples of work the City has done in these areas.

· Climate Action –Energy management, greenhouse gas emissions reduction and climate adaptation. Examples of related work to date include energy-efficiency City building upgrades and installation of LED streetlights and electric vehicle charging stations in the community.

· Built Environment –Urban design, transportation and buildings. Examples of work to date include neighbourhood design promoting walking, cycling and transit use, and encouraging a greater range of housing options.

· Natural Areas, Wildlife and Habitat – Natural areas, parks and green spaces, watercourses, riparian areas, biodiversity, wildlife and habitat, and forest and tree management. Examples of related work to date include bylaws to protect watercourses, tree and forest management, and promoting co-existence with wildlife as a Bear Smart Community.

· Water Management – Water conservation, water quality monitoring and storm water management. Examples of related work to date include a long standing water conservation program, integrated stormwater management planning, an erosion and sediment control management strategy and bylaw requirements that protect water quality and the City’s drainage system network.

· Waste Management – Reducing, reusing and recycling solid waste, including garbage, recyclables and green waste. Examples of related work to date include curbside collection of garbage, organics and recyclables, city-wide garage sales, large item pickup, and the city-owned and staffed Town Centre Recycling Depot.

Have a question about these theme areas or about the ESP? Go to the "Ask a Question" section and post your question.