The outdoor pool in Mundy Park has served the community for more than 50 years and the City identified the renewal of the pool as a priority project in the Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan and the Aquatic Services and Infrastructure Strategy.

The Spani Outdoor Pool Renewal Study defined the upgrades and the cost. The renewal of the pool also provides an excellent opportunity to improve accessibility and inclusivity at the facility, which has been identified as a high priority in the Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan along with other important City strategies.

Next Steps

The public engagement period for this project has completed. Thank you to everyone who participated. Feedback is summarized in a What We Heard infographic.

Armed with the community’s feedback, staff prepared a detailed design which was approved by Council in February 2023. The expanded facility will be more inclusive for all ages and abilities, and maximize the range of aquatic lessons and programming offerings.

Proposed features will include:

  • A new leisure pool with shallow beach entry, splash area, lazy river and 1.2-metre deep end
  • A new warming pool close to the forest edge
  • Expanded deck spaces for spectator seating, a lawn area for lounging and a concession - all of which allow for more event hosting possibilities
  • Accessible universal change rooms (including gendered and non-gendered washrooms, lockers and showers)
  • Accessible admissions area and staff spaces
  • Universal washrooms that can be accessed year-round from Mundy Park
  • A multipurpose room that can be used year-round for workshops, training, certification courses and recreation programming
  • Improved drop-off and pick-up area

The existing tank will be renovated but will stay the same size with eight 25-metre swim lanes, a dive tank and a new ramp for greater accessibility.

Construction began in spring 2023, and the pool will be open for the 2025 summer swim season.

Project Update

Originally scheduled to open in the summer of 2024, the pool in Mundy Park will not be opening as planned due to unexpected and unavoidable circumstances, largely construction delays.

The City is disappointed the pool will not be opening in time for the summer season and acknowledge the impact this delay has on our community members. In light of this delay, the City is offering a range of fun, free outdoor activities and reduced cost programs throughout the summer.

When the pool opens, it will be named the Mundy Park Pool to reflect its location nestled within the heart of Mundy Park, the City's largest urban forest. This change will assist in wayfinding, making it easier for residents to find Coquitlam’s facilities by tying them to their geographical location.

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The Spani Outdoor Pool Renewal survey has concluded.