Strategic Transportation Plan Update
16 May 2023
We are now in Phase 3 of Coquitlam’s Strategic Transportation Plan! The first two phases of the new STP's development included extensive engagement, background research and data collection to develop a snapshot of Coquitlam's transportation system and to understand the challenges, gaps, barriers and opportunities moving in, through and around the city.
2022 Coquitlam Household Travel Survey
The Coquitlam Household Travel Survey (CHTS) conducted in Fall 2022 provides statistically significant data on how, when and where Coquitlam residents are using the transportation system. Based on the CHTS, 22% of all trips were made by sustainable transportation modes (walking, micromobility and transit). Explore the survey results further using this interactive data visualization tool.
Engagement Findings: Phases 1 and 2
Between July and December 2022, the STP project team engaged nearly 1,500 participants through meetings with Advisory Committees, Youth Council and equity deserving groups, a community survey, pop-up booths at civic amenities and events, as well as the Let's Talk Coquitlam engagement platform.
Engagement findings from Phases 1 and 2 are summarized in the Strategic Transportation Plan What We Heard report, as well as a short summary infographic. The top three themes for barriers and challenges identified were:
- Residents want to walk and bike more but are concerned about road safety and comfort of the facilities.
- Residents want to take transit more but desire higher frequencies and reliability to improve convenience.
- Electric vehicles are gaining in popularity but purchase cost is too expensive for most residents.
New Vision, Goals and Themes
Building on the technical analysis and community feedback from the first two phases, the project team developed a draft vision, goals and themes to shape Coquitlam's future transportation network.
New STP Vision
In 2050, Coquitlam is a complete and connected community
that prioritizes the sustainable movement of people and goods
to support a thriving economy, healthy environment and equitable society
with accessible, safe and reliable transportation options for all.
New Citywide Goals by Year 2050
- 50% mode share by active transportation and public transit
- Zero transportation GHG emissions
- Zero serious traffic injuries and fatalities
New STP Key Themes
- Safety and Accessibility for All: Prioritize our most vulnerable road users in all aspects of planning, design, and operations through a Vision Zero approach (goal of eliminating transportation-related serious injuries and fatalities) and create a transportation network with people and business friendly streets that provide accessible options for all ages, incomes and abilities.
- Complete and Connected Communities: Create communities with a mix of land uses and compact development that enable residents to easily access key destinations, services, amenities and transit stops within a short journey and without having to depend on a private car.
- Sustainable and Innovative Mobility: Support emerging modes of travel and technologies that help overcome Coquitlam's unique challenges, reduce GHGs, manage congestion and seamlessly move people and goods between modes and destinations.
- Reliable Transportation Network: Provide residents and businesses with access to a reliable, well-maintained and efficient transportation network.
- Fast and Frequent Transit: Ensure most residents have access to faster and more frequent public transit service that is attractive and competitive to personal vehicles and helps free up road space for more efficient movement.