We are now in Phase 4 of the development of Coquitlam's new Strategic Transportation Plan. Thank you to everyone who provided their feedback on our proposed vision, goals and key themes during Phase 3 in spring and summer 2023.

City staff updated Council-in-Committee on November 27 on the preliminary engagement results from the Phase 3 community survey which took place this spring, and also on next steps to complete the Plan (see Reports to Council in the right panel).

We expect to have more information about what we heard and next steps in 2024

About the Strategic Transportation Plan

How we move people and goods in, through and around Coquitlam is changing. So it is time to update our Strategic Transportation Plan to respond to these changes and plan for the challenges ahead by providing a new vision for Coquitlam’s transportation system for the future.

A lot has changed in our community since the current version of the Plan was last adopted in 2012: the Millennium Line Evergreen Extension in 2017; changes to best practices in street design; the need to address climate change mitigation and adaptation; as well as opportunities and challenges associated with emerging technologies.

The Plan update will take place over five phases and be developed through extensive research, best practices, technical analysis and community engagement to create a feasible plan that reflects the needs and priorities of Coquitlam residents, visitors and businesses.

The Plan will also align with other City plans such as the recently completed Environmental Sustainability Plan, and the Climate Action Plan and Economic Development Strategy that are under development as well as align with the City’s commitment to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI). It will also integrate two additional strategies being developed in parallel. They are the Road Safety Strategy and E-Mobility Strategy.

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Project Archive

Phase 1 Survey (Summer 2022)

The Phase 1 Survey (Summer 2022) has now concluded

Phase 3 SURVEY (Spring/Summer 2023)

The Phase 3 Survey (Spring/Summer 2023) has now concluded