The B.C. government recently passed housing legislation that brings major changes to how Coquitlam plans for and supports growth. This includes new rules for development around transit hubs – called Transit-Oriented Areas. To address these new rules, we will be updating the land uses and policies in our Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw through the Transit-Oriented Areas Update project.

Transit-oriented development concentrates housing, jobs, shops, services and amenities near high-quality, frequent transit service like the SkyTrain. The City previously adopted plans to allow transit-oriented development in Burquitlam-Lougheed and City Centre. The Transit-Oriented Areas project first focuses on updating these “Planned Transit-Oriented Areas” to align with the legislation. The remaining “Unplanned Transit-Oriented Areas” will be addressed once this work is complete.

What is a Transit-Oriented Area?

A Transit-Oriented Area, as defined by the provincial government, is an area within 800 metres of SkyTrain stations where specific rules apply. These regulations promote high-density, mixed-use development near transit to increase housing and reduce reliance on car.

For residential or mixed-use lands within 800 metres of a rapid transit station, the City is required to:

  • Designate these lands as Transit-Oriented Areas
  • Eliminate minimum off-street parking requirements
  • Follow the minimum densities and heights set by the Province

Read our Project Backgrounder for more information on the new provincial rules and the Transit-Oriented Areas Update project.

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  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Stage 1 – Designation of Transit-Oriented Areas

    This first stage involved designating areas within 800 metres of SkyTrain stations as Transit-Oriented Areas and updating related City bylaws to remove minimum residential parking requirements within these areas, except for spaces designated for people with disabilities.

  • Timeline item 2 - active

    Stage 2 – Planned Transit-Oriented Areas, Southwest Shoulders and Corridors

    In the second stage set for completion in spring 2025, the City will align Transit-Oriented Area regulations with areas already planned for growth. This phase will also update land use plans for adjacent areas in Southwest Coquitlam to ensure cohesive development.

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    Stage 3 – Unplanned Transit-Oriented Areas

    The final stage involves a thorough review of land use policies and servicing needs for unplanned Transit-Oriented Areas and their surrounding areas.

We Need Your Input

The new provincial rules bring a lot of change to our community. While we need to follow specific rules inside Transit-Oriented Areas, we need your help to guide growth in the areas around Transit-Oriented Areas and along Austin Avenue and Como Lake Corridor. In this first round of engagement, we want to hear what matters most to you about these areas. Your feedback will help us create draft land use concepts, which we will share for more input in the next phase of engagement.