The B.C. government recently passed housing legislation that brings major changes to how Coquitlam plans for and supports growth. This includes new rules for development around transit hubs – called Transit-Oriented Areas. To address these new rules, we will be updating the land uses and policies in our Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw through the Transit-Oriented Areas Update project.

Transit-oriented development concentrates housing, jobs, shops, services and amenities near high-quality, frequent transit service like the SkyTrain. The City previously adopted plans to allow transit-oriented development in Burquitlam-Lougheed and City Centre. The Transit-Oriented Areas project first focuses on updating these “Planned Transit-Oriented Areas” to align with the legislation. The remaining “Unplanned Transit-Oriented Areas” will be addressed once this work is complete.

What is a Transit-Oriented Area?

A Transit-Oriented Area, as defined by the provincial government, is an area within 800 metres of SkyTrain stations where specific rules apply. These regulations promote high-density, mixed-use development near transit to increase housing and reduce reliance on car.

For residential or mixed-use lands within 800 metres of a rapid transit station, the City is required to:

  • Designate these lands as Transit-Oriented Areas
  • Eliminate minimum off-street parking requirements
  • Follow the minimum densities and heights set by the Province

Read our Project Backgrounder for more information on the new provincial rules and the Transit-Oriented Areas Update project.

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  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Stage 1 – Designation of Transit-Oriented Areas

    This first stage involved designating areas within 800 metres of SkyTrain stations as Transit-Oriented Areas and updating related City bylaws to remove minimum residential parking requirements within these areas, except for spaces designated for people with disabilities.

  • Timeline item 2 - active

    Stage 2 – Planned Transit-Oriented Areas, Southwest Shoulders and Corridors

    In the second stage set for completion in spring 2025, the City will align Transit-Oriented Area regulations with areas already planned for growth. This phase will also update land use plans for adjacent areas in Southwest Coquitlam to ensure cohesive development.

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    Stage 3 – Unplanned Transit-Oriented Areas

    The final stage involves a thorough review of land use policies and servicing needs for unplanned Transit-Oriented Areas and their surrounding areas.