Nelson Street is a 1.7-kilometre local street that runs north-south, connecting the growing Austin Heights and Maillardville neighborhoods. Bounded by Blue Mountain Park in the north and Mackin Park in the south, it also provides access to the upcoming Fraser Mills neighborhood via the King Edward Overpass. We are also planning for a possible future connection to IKEA and transit stops via a creek crossing at Mackin Park and a new crossing at Lougheed Highway.
Our goal is to create a safe and accessible, multi-modal corridor for people of all ages and abilities who want to walk, bike, scoot, or drive between where they live, work, learn, play, or shop while separating user groups by their speed whenever possible.
This project helps advance our 2050 goals, as outlined in the Strategic Transportation Plan update, of having 50% of all trips made using sustainable modes of transportation as well as having zero serious traffic injuries and fatalities.
Get Involved
Contact staff with questions or feedback by emailing or by phone at 604-927-3500.
Sign up for project updates by clicking the "Follow" button at the top of the page to stay informed on the project and for future engagement opportunities. This page will also be updated as more information is available.
This is one of five active transportation projects currently being planned for Southwest Coquitlam. Learn more including key terms and frequently asked questions at Overview
Nelson Street's Connection to the Bigger Picture
Nelson Street is one of our active transportation improvement projects in Southwest Coquitlam. Together, these projects support Coquitlam’s Strategic Transportation Plan update, which encompasses three current initiatives:
- 2050 Micromobility Network
- Electric-mobility Strategy
- Road Safety Strategy
Nelson Street is also identified in numerous City plans as a corridor to improve active transportation because the street serves as an important connection to parks, neighbourhood centres, and existing and future micromobility routes and transit routes.
Project Objectives
The project objectives include:
Improve Accessibility, Road Safety and Comfort
- Ensure safe and comfortable travel options by providing continuous sidewalks for people walking and dedicated micromobility lanes separated from traffic for people biking and scooting.
- Ensure the walking and micromobility paths feel safe and secure for everyone, even at night.
- Provide enhanced intersections and crossings to improve the visibility of vulnerable road users.
Enhance Landscaping and Green Infrastructure
- Enhance connections to parks and natural areas.
- Look for opportunity to add rain gardens and other features along the boulevard and in curb bulges to manage rainwater.
- Minimize impact to existing landscaping and trees within City right-of-way.
- Protect existing trees and plant additional ones to help create shade.
Create Safe, Direct and Intuitive Connections
- Improve walking and micromobility connections to neighbourhood amenities and destinations such as parks, cafés, restaurants, grocery stores and medical clinic
- Improve walking and micromobility connections to the city’s broader micromobility network.
- Improve connections between different neighbourhoods.
- Provide equitable access to key destinations.
Create Spaces for People
- Support commercial vibrancy by delivering functional and attractive amenities such as seating, planters and murals.
- Provide seating pockets with benches
Balance Access and Community Needs
- Maintain efficient emergency vehicle access.
- Consider vehicular circulation in the neighbourhood and access to homes/businesses fronting it.
- Consider waste collection needs of residential properties.
- Minimize impacts to private property.
- Provide on-street parking pockets in select locations where demand is high.
Nelson Street Current Conditions and Proposed Renderings
At Austin Ave (looking north)

At Quadling Ave (looking north)

At Thomas Ave (looking south)